Let us be grateful to people who make us happy, they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom. Thank You."

-Marcel Proust

(Lauren completed the HP path in October 2015)

For the Magic... and thank you for your generous consession for my alchemy audit, I couldn't have done it without that act of kindness and truly, I can't do anything that I'm doing without the influence, affect and inspiration of your teachings. You are a gift. So far beyond words is my gratitude for you.
Love, Lauren

Bridgette & Dan
(Lani officiated Mr. & Mrs. Cohen's Wedding on September 16, 2015)

Thank You!
Dear Lani,
Our ceremony was beyond our dreams! It was so magical and meaningful! You gave us the most magical gift! We will never forget it, as well as all that went into it. Thanks for always being a guide to me. You mean so much to us!
We love you! xoxo,
Bridgette & Dan

(Amy completed HP in October 2015)

Dear Lani,
No gift would ever match all that you have given to me. I know the journey has just begun for me and as I humbly walk with your guidance, I think new shoes are in order. May we always walk in Beauty, embrace change, and be a part of the magic!
Love, Amy


There is little I can say to express my sheer joy and respect of these XIII Steps. It all feels so huge and mystical, yet comfortable and right. I feel home when I am in the temple with you and the other priestesses. The Goddess power is alive! Thank you for all you do for me and the greater good. I'm flattered to be a part of it and humbled to spread the light. Here's to all the magic around us!
Much love & respect! xo

(a Holy Guardian)

That burning feeling in my heart drew me to these teachings and Lani Renee in 2012. I became an Alchemist and it truly has changed my life for the better, with the wisdom and understanding of who I AM. I floundered my whole life - always feeling as if I wasn't enough. Now I know why and it's true what they say - the Truth shall set you free!


Cyndi Stewart

I've been involved with other spiritual paths but working with Lani at Sacred Sanctuary has helped me understand how all the pieces, experiences and magic fits together. If you are still not clear on your spiritual development, Sacred Sanctuary is the place to make sense of it and actually get results.

(Spiritual Alchemy, Qabalah, RM, Healers, Sacred Geometries, and High Priestess Path)

The past four years working with Lani has been a true pain in the ass battle for revealing of my True Self. However, with the tools, the love and kick in the butt support of Lani and my classmates, the revelation has arrived. Thank you Lani and my HP Sisters. Alchemy works.



My life hasn't been the same since I walked through the doors of Sacred Sanctuary. I really and honestly thought I was happy before and, for all extensive purposes, I was happy; however, the experience of Sacred Sanctuary has revealed to me a happiness I never knew existed. I started participating in Sanctuary's Tuesday night classes on what I thought was a whim; as it turns out, there was a reason for it. I now am more aware than ever of myself, others, my heart and what it truly means to be alive. If you don't think there is a reason for everything, then you should really stop reading this because, by reading this, a series of events has already been set in motion and, whether you like it or not, you will base your next decision as a result. There is more to life than just "living". If you don't take my word for it, no worries, the wheels of your life have already taken notice. See you soon.


I have been attending classes at Sacred Sanctuary for the last 5 years this November 2015. I was very hesitant when I first started, but now I do not know what I would do without these universal teachings. They have brought me joy and have also shown me where I need to do my work so that I can have my connection to the divine. Sometimes the work seems hard, but it is at these times I have seen great rewards. My heart has been opened and I have a l clearer understanding of who I am and what my personal journey is. The support from this community is down to earth and non-judgmental due to the understanding that we all have our own journey and we all go through rough patches. I have grown in the way I live my life and how I am the only one that can live my life. Our journey is about us and the love we have for ourselves. My eyes are wide open and I am so thankful that I have been given the opportunity to be a part of such a wonderful place.


Karen F
(Spiritual Alchemy, Qabalah, RM, Healers, Sacred Geometries, and High Priestess Path)

Lani teaches "the art of magic". Do not fear this word - her magic is simply...change your life if you're unhappy, alone, anxious, searching for meaning or broken. Do a class, and see your life change in many positive ways. It's magic!

We love you!


"The gift of peace on earth lies in each of our hands...."
Thank you for all you do toward making this world a better place. Please know your personal work toward wholeness and your guidance of others makes a difference. I pray we all give back to Gaia as we master ourselves.
With deep love & respect,