Lani Renee’s Magic

Lani Renee was born gifted and has lived a unique and purposeful life developing her connection to spirit and the heavenly realms that have always guided her. She is truly one of those special souls that has been led on a lifelong quest to understand her own evolving reality to ultimately help others transform themselves and their lives. Lani sees the inner struggle of people today and works her magic with those who are ready to change and go deeper within themselves via the honorable work of self-transmutation. Her ability to work with individual souls and their individual needs is masterful, for she is intuitive, compassionate, dynamic in skill, creative and focused, heart-centered, and successful in helping her clients in any way that is needed! Lani is also highly esoterically educated, trained and disciplined, and lives by example.

Lani’s one-on-one work, consists of private readings that are incredibly enlightening and that reveal the layers of ones soul of who she is working with so she can best guide them to spiritual clarity, understanding, and awareness of what’s needed next! Lani’s sessions take place in her magical reading space, or in the healing temple, where the energy is both soothing and nurturing to the spirit & soul. She has always been a believer in a “sacred space” setting, saying if someone enters the space and immediately feels the sacredness then the healing naturally begins, and that healing is necessary for any spiritual work to be effective. The aspect of healing ensures the “heart,” and the heart is the center of Lani’s work.

Lani recommends starting with a reading, and then she can support your journey with continued spiritual guidance, deep energetic crystal healings, life wheel readings, DNA activations to DNA readings, emotional cord-cuttings, etheric surgery, to clearings and charka balancing, to life purpose work to studying the universal mystery teachings and entering her mystery school. Anything is possible…

Lani has been helping people transform both spiritually and physically for over 20 years… and her magic is an accumulation of a lifetime of her own personal seeking, higher learning, magical practice, self-healing, and mastering these experiences. She is blessed, she is pure magic, and she is here to help you!

Lani's Recommended Steps of Progression:

  1. An Initial Tarot Reading / Spiritual Counseling
  2. A Life Wheel Reading to Monthly Wheel Readings
  3. Year Life Wheel / Yearly Roadmaps are available every Nov.-Dec.
  4. A DNA Activation / Channeling
  5. An Emotional Cord-Cutting for Letting Go
  6. An Energetic Crystal Healing for All Emotional Support

(At any time the "classes" are highly recommended)

Lani Renee’s Magic

Tarot Reading / Spiritual Counseling

Professional Tarot Reading / Spiritual Guidance

A Tarot Reading by Lani Renee is a powerful spiritual experience, and a sacred process, that begins with an initial connection between her and the client. Lani is not a fortune teller, and takes all spiritual work seriously, and believes if you and she have a contract to work together then the universal power that aligns two souls together will unfold.

In a reading you will have the opportunity to see Lani channel the direction of the questions which best brings in the clearest messages and direct information, or you can ask questions and participate in the reading to ensure your questions are addressed, either approach is divinely effective.

Lani’s readings are of a higher truth, that bring in: new perspectives; spiritual guidance; pros and cons around decisions; the help of seeing things more clearly to understanding why things are happening, such as clearing past cycles and ancestral karma; truths about your issues around relationships, finances, and career; to health concerns and any and all necessary healing that you may need to consider to help you move forward. If you are seeking any type of spiritual guidance, Lani can help you! She has helped change thousands of lives!

Lani has been reading and helping people professionally for over 20 years, and loves being able to guide souls along the bumpy road we call life. Lani is connected to God, the work of God, and all true Light Work at this time. If you do not live in the Denver area, Lani is available for phone and skype readings.

1 hour session / $100

Life Wheel Reading / Roadmap for the Soul

The Life Wheel Reading with Lani is a must do! She has taken her personal spiritual journey, 20 years of healing, personal study of the universal mystery teachings, and her magical way of putting all of the pieces together, and developed this phenomenal reading that literally lays your life out in front of you and helps you understand how to learn from it, and more importantly, how to move forward without repeating the same cycles and patterns, so that you can use your life wheel as a tool to navigate and plan the transformation and changes of your life! The Life Wheel Reading is a magical process that begins with the reading itself, but it is always recommended by Lani to continue to do readings around your life wheel until you feel comfortable in “turning” it yourself! There are 12 houses, so a reading once a month is the best way to experience the incredible possibilities that are waiting for you to explore!

A Life Wheel consists of selecting 12 archetypes that represent different aspects of yourself that are chosen through a very specific process, and then they are all randomly and divinely placed in each house. With this part of the reading complete, Lani will then read your Wheel from birth, through childhood giving your inner child a voice which is deeply empowering, to the healing of your soul, proper education needed to access your true I Am, your life’s work and your health, to relationships, financial success, spirituality, highest potential, to your legacy and archetypal connection to your divine self and God. This reading is loaded, and is best recorded!

1 hour to 90 minute session / $150

Life Wheel Reading

DNA Activation

DNA Activation

A DNA Activation is an etheric healing modality that goes back to the temples of Egypt and King Solomon’s work and a modality that is handed down within the healing teachings of a mystery school. A DNA Activation is a powerful sacred process that brings in en-sofic light and higher energies connected to source, that lights up your “spiritual DNA” which then begins to communicate to your “physical DNA,” or the double helix strands of our human DNA, and the rest is unique to you! No one has the same DNA so it truly awakens the mystery of who you are and what you can be when there’s more light waking you up, strengthening you, guiding you, and transforming you! This activation of light can keep the human body youthful and connected to its spirit body which ensures enlightenment and one's highest potential of the integration of the physical and spiritual DNA. When this internal stairway to heaven is activated, we feel "closer" to God, and to becoming more like our God-Self. It is recommended to have a DNA Activation once every 1 to 3 months for the best progressive results. Lani Renee has done over a thousand DNA Activations and cannot express in words how sacred and powerful this experience is! Get activated today!

1 hour session / $100

DNA Reading

A DNA Reading can only be done within 7 days of receiving a DNA Activation. A DNA Reading is a special reading that is a channeling from the eleventh codon in ones spiritual DNA that can reveal the akashic records of one’s spiritual make-up and offers valuable information such as the origin of one’s spirit, information on past life emanations, one’s oneness with God, the archangelic self, one’s blue print for self-mastery, to a description of one’s higher self, and more! Please note: this reading does requires a DNA Activation done within 7 days of doing your DNA Reading. Bring a recorder for this one too! (Most smart phones have ability to record)

1 hour session / $150

Emotional Cord-Cutting

An Emotional Cord-Cutting is a powerful and effective energetic release of emotional cords and attachments to any negative, unwanted, old, painful, stagnant, detrimental or unhealthy emotions. A Cord-Cutting is considered a healing modality and is done by a ritual master, someone who is educated and trained as a spiritual warrior and dedicated to the release of all disempowering and dark energies that block the human race from love and from being in the heart. Emotional ties, cords, and attachments that are no longer serving one’s soul or progression, need to be released, because you don’t see them, doesn’t mean they are not still draining you or effecting you, and you will always know when this is needed! If you have emotions still flowing or triggering you from old or failed marriages, past or current relationships, a death of a loved one, toxic friendships, painful childhood experiences, and/or any heavy emotion you feel is keeping you down or holding you back, then this type of “letting-go” would be perfect for you!

30 minute session / $50
With Processing: 1 hour / $100

Emotional Cord-Cutting

Energetic Healings

Integrative Holistic Energetic Healing

Every soul needs a healing! Lani has been receiving and facilitating healing work for over two decades and she will be the first to share that her healing never ends… She has always said, “we are never finished healing as long as there is one soul on the planet that is still hurting.” That’s a lot of needed healing!

An Integrative Holistic Energetic Healing is one of Lani’s specialties and her natural ability to heal is exceptional in how she can reach the heart of your soul and in the first healing shift you into a transformational process of clarity and change. Lani provides high end healings and is a very experienced healing arts practitioner, who provides a safe space to open your soul and explore depths of awareness that only healing can provide.

Lani channels throughout the entire healing so it is not considered “nap time”! She makes sure you are comfortable on a massage table with a nice healing blanket, she uses her personal collection of healing crystals and stones, as well as her 20+ years experience with using Young Living Essential Oils in every healing! Sometimes there is a drum used, or a rattle for clearing, tuning forks, chanting, etc… It’s all organic in nature and deeply powerful in experience.

1 hour session / $150

Etheric Surgery

Etheric Surgery is a very powerful and esoteric healing that is recommended only when someone is ready to let go of old past-life emanations, and old traumas and beliefs. Etheric Surgery is done in a sacred setting with special healing tools and crystals, you are usually seated before an altar so that the energies that are being released can naturally go to the light. When you have gone through difficult life transitions, or complete an intense cycle of spiritual growth, etheric surgery is incredibly helpful to reset your psychic / intuitive layers of consciousness. Sometimes, etheric surgery is needed only once, that’s how effective it is.

Etheric Surgery

House Clearing / Blessing

House Clearing & Blessing

Why get your house cleared and blessed? Well, if you work hard on your own energy and spiritual development, and know there is a dimension to your soul that usually feels up your home, or office, wouldn’t you want your environment to sustain your light? A home can actually cause damage to the soul, and can certainly create blocks to your progression, especially if it has unwanted energies residing in it. And believe it or not, our homes carry a lot of old, and toxic energies that hinder our spiritual connections. Great for when you move into a new home, or when you are trying to sell a home that won’t sell. Great to do when you get married or have a new relationship, or when a new baby arrives! Alchemist’s never need a reason to get their houses cleared and blessed, it helps us live in a healthier space to maintain our light work.

A House Clearing & Blessing is done on location, it requires two ritual masters working together, bringing in sacred geometries and rituals for clearing the energy as well as invoking new energy, protection, clarity, divine source, and anything in particular you may need energetically in your life at the time of the clearing & blessing. A House Clearing & Blessing can take anywhere from 1-3 hours, depending on the size of the home / space.

1-3 hour process / $200/hr