Our Spiritual Boutique is a magical place…

Our Spiritual Boutique at Sacred Sanctuary carries more than products. We carry tools, sacred objects, gifts that serve…..our one mission is to help you live a more beautiful, magical life.

A Spiritual Boutique is a magical place

Candles are Pure Magic

Candles are always a beautiful way to bring natural light and warmth to your home, office, or sanctuary; but did you know that they are so much more? Candles bring in the element of spirit. They help us connect and heal our connection to God and all that which would guide us to living a fuller life. Candles represent the will and whenever we light one, we set an intention. The candles we sell at Sacred Sanctuary are hand selected or created to bring in the best energy to heal, protect, bless, and support.

Did You Know… Candles are Pure Magic?

Healing Crystals are special gifts from our Mother Earth. The stones are beautiful and can add interest and beauty to any space or collection, but on a deeper level, it is what they offer to serve your life that makes them magical. Each crystal is formed with a special vibration and energy that when worked with can bring in healing. Whether it is specific to life events, health, energy, or just a way to connect to the Earth’s higher consciousness; stones and crystals bring such a sacred reverence to our lives.

Crystals are Gifts from Gaia

Did You Know… Crystals are Gifts from Gaia?

Cards are Universal Doors

Oracle / Tarot Cards are divination tools used to help us psychically develop and better connect consciously to spirit. They are so much more than tools to tell the future. When used correctly, they are blue prints for how we can live better lives truer to our passion and purpose. They can help us study ourselves and our own minds and hearts in a way that few other tools can. We understand that learning to use a Tarot or Oracle deck can be intimidating, but we are willing and ready to answer all of your questions and offer classes to assist you in getting to know and use your decks.

Did You Know… Cards are Universal Doors to the Mysteries?

At Sacred Sanctuary, we have books on a wide range of metaphysical and spiritual topics. From self-help, to books that address deep magical and metaphysical matters, you can find a little bit of everything. Books are not only a way to increase knowledge, but through increasing knowledge can enrich the way we interact with and understand the world around us. Any time we invest into reading a book that brings in greater knowledge about spirit, we invest in learning to live a better, fuller life.

Books are Portals to Higher Knowledge

Did You Know… Books are Portals to Higher Knowledge?

Sacred Jewelry becomes an Amulet of the Soul

Jewelry is of course a way to adorn our bodies and make ourselves feel valued and beautiful. Jewelry, however is also a personal set of symbols that express aspects of ourselves that tell the world and those around us how we feel about ourselves and what personal philosophies we hold. At Sacred Sanctuary, we carry jewelry that is not only beautiful but meaningful. Our goal is that when you wear it, you feel as though it helps you connect to the very best aspects of yourself. This is what conscious self-expression is all about.

Did You Know… Sacred Jewelry becomes an Amulet of the Soul?

Statues can represent many things. Statues are symbols representing angels, gods and goddesses, and archetypes. They can help us remember, process, connect emotionally, and serve us by beautifying our home and space.

Statues are Symbols of Ancient Reverence

Did You Know… Our Statues are Symbols of Ancient Reverence?

A Home should be an Expression of the Soul

Wall and Home Decor is much like jewelry in that it beautifies and adds something special to a Home, but it is also a way to express so much more. It brings in meaning to a home, office, or sanctuary. It holds a power that invokes an emotion to help us bond with our environment as it represents the outward expression of ourselves in our space.

Did You Know… A Home should be an Expression of the Soul and hold a space for Spirit?

Herbs, Magical Sprays, and Magical Bath Salts are a special line specific to Sacred Sanctuary; hand created and energized to serve you in living a more purposeful, beautiful life. We stock our boutique with candles, herbs, sprays, and bath salts that serve general purposes such as healing, love, and abundance; but we can also create custom products per request.

If you have any questions about our line of magical products, please inquire in the store or call us.

Did You Know… Herbs?

Did You Know… Magic is to take one thing and turn it into something else?

Usually to take the lesser and turn it into something greater; to build up and not tear down. When we are conscious we can do the same with ourselves and with our lives. We are all magical when we live with love.