








Healers & Teachers

Four days; $1000 total

Taught once per year

Prerequisites: Alchemy

A Magical Program for Healing Today's Healer's that is offered only once a year at Sacred Sanctuary, on Memorial Day weekend. This program is designed for the necessary healing that takes an Alchemist to the next level, and/or a gifted soul to a place of deep understanding for the greater work of healing humanity.

The Healer’s Program is where the healing work of an alchemist is initiated, both in receiving the benefit of healing, and learning to heal others. Alchemy Class is Required.

The Healer’s Program consists of: advanced teachings of alchemy, a deeper connection to our sacred rituals, learning & practicing the Cap Removal, DNA Activation, Energetic Balancing, and Crystal Healings w/Energy Medicine.

Alchemy Initiation Brings in up to 10% the Light, Healer’s Brings in up to 100% the Light.

If you are an alchemist, this program will provide the healing tools, skill, and empowerment to help your loved ones, clients, and humanity in the much needed NEED for Light!

Alchemy is a calling… Healer’s is when we begin to Serve.

Here's what you will experience in this powerful program...

  • Creating a Foundation for Healing
  • Healing Evaluation and Self-Healing Guide
  • Elemental Energy for Healing
  • Etheric Energy for Healing
  • Energy Medicine
  • The Alchemy of Healing
  • Healing Modalities / Techniques
  • Energy Releases
  • Energy Balancing
  • Sound Healing
  • Crystal Healing
  • Hands on Healing
  • Channeling
  • DNA Light Activations
  • The Power of Healing
  • And...The Gift of Healing
Materials Needed
  • Journal
  • Grimoire with rituals
  • Clear Quartz Crystal point approximately 2” long
  • A stick 9-12” long, leather and wire wrapping
  • Young Living Rain Drop Oil Set (Sold at Sacred Sanctuary-can be purchased before or at class)
  • Crystals for healing (Sold at Sacred Sanctuary-can be purchased before or at class)
Healers & Teachers Healers & Teachers

DNA Activation / Reading

DNA Activation is an etheric healing modality which uses light to activate and essentially build a bridge between the spiritual and physical DNA. The Healer channel light through the twelfth to first codon, activating your oneness with god-self, personal archangelic service, personal mastery, group soul, individual soul, spiritual monad, higher self, personal archetypes, fire, air, water, and earth. This healing is about opening the gates to realizing one’s highest potential.

DNA Reading is done through channeling one’s DNA to bring in personalized information from spirit regarding one’s purpose, true expression, and “blue print” that was originally designed to manifest as the life you are meant to live. This is an invaluable experience that has the power to completely change your life and illuminate your path.


Energy Healing

An Energetic Crystal Healing is a lot like Reiki, but more organic in nature and universal in the energies that are used for healing. A technique we call "energetic chelation" is used in every healing, with the powerful healing energies of crystals and stones, as well as the conscious medicine of therapeutic essential oils.

Healing is a virtue of the light. Healing is needed at this time, and everyone can benefit from receiving the light of healing and feeling clearer, lighter, more focused and connected, less stressed, safe to feel deep emotions to either clear or bring in, and always for a greater purpose to be closer to God/Goddess.

Energy Healing

Etheric Surgery

Etheric Surgery or “Psychic Surgery” involves the channeling and removal of damage to the etheric and auric bodies. Etheric Surgery has the capability to heal issues from past life emanations which are still causing problems in this current life time. It ultimately will remove the core issue which all of us have deeply and uniquely coded into our consciousness, which all other dysfunction attaches to and feeds from. This is a very powerful, transformative modality and is only recommended for those who have done previous work and feel ready to handle the shift.



Channeling is the ability to connect to, call down and to control unseen powers as an act of one’s will. We all do it naturally, however not all do it consciously. To receive a channeling session, one must be prepared to receive insight from higher planes and dimensions depending on the purpose for the channeling. A channeling session can help you connect to your higher self and other aspects of self that may have messages for you, need healing, or are there to guide you.
