





Tree of Life


Medicine Wheel


Two days; $500 total

Spring ~ Summer ~ Fall ~ Winter Classes

Prerequisites: None

Alchemy is the first step. It is a two-day program that is offered four times a year: once per season. In Alchemy, you will receive the essential foundation of the universal mystery teachings. This foundation is based on ten esoteric principles that mysteriously unveil hidden truths within the human soul that ultimately and alchemically have the power to awaken and empower the I AM.

Alchemy and the sacred teachings are for true seekers, and those who wish to dive into the universal truths of our creation. Struggling souls who still have work to do, such as releasing dogma, are recommended to see Lani one-on-one before endeavoring on this life-transforming path of deep study and its sacred tradition.

Those who enter our Mystery School and take Alchemy, are forever asking the question “Who am I,” and are encouraged to always seek what they are searching for within themselves, and to continue a path of self-healing, a practice of meditation, and to be disciplined in their sacred work.

Alchemy consists of ten steps: I) Entering the Temple, II) Sacred Knowledge, III) The Discovery of the I Am, IV) The Law of the Light, V) Our Human Potential, VI) The Hierarchy of Light, VII) Spiritual Alchemy, VIII) The Power of Rituals and Ceremony, IX) The Tree of Life & Meditation, and the X) Sacred Initiation. Every Alchemy weekend is unique, but there is always time in meditation, constant healing opportunities, the use of sacred geometries and ancient symbols of power, a deep connection to the masters of light, the handing down of sacred rituals, and the highlight is the golden moment when one is at the altar of initiation.

The veil is lifted in Alchemy, where the foundation is established and the teachings and essential rituals are handed down. Then one can enhance their Alchemy and master themselves through the four sacred paths: Universal Qabalah, Universal Shamanism, Ritual Mastery, and by learning Magic in the High Priestess Temple.

There are three levels of personal Mastery: Alchemy, Healer, and Guide. An Alchemist’s work is to master Thyself. A Healer’s work is to serve others. A Guide’s role is to serve The Hierarchy of Light and by serving Heaven and Earth in a way that is pure and true to our God.

This two-day weekend is only the beginning! It is both spiritually educational, and magically experiential, with an unseen force that gets put into motion to literally bring you back to life!

The mystery teachings are essential for any true seeker to bring their spiritual work to manifestation! Out teachings are rooted in alchemy, but ones alchemy becomes a path of greater wisdom and understanding if you wish to proceed. These teachings are real, and they have the power to awaken every magnificent part of you! We believe the greatest secret of all is only revealed through time…and again, it begins with one simple but lifelong question… who am I?

Materials Needed
  • Journal for class notes
  • Grimoire (leather bound journal) for rituals
  • Dress code: nice but comfortable both days
  • Initiation clothing (long white dress/skirt and blouse for women, nice white shirt and khakis for men)
  • Alchemy manual can be purchased at class, $50
  • Lunch is catered both days, $15/day

Alchemy is a calling… a very sacred one.

Join us for our next alchemy class!

Saturday & Sunday, February 4th & 5th, 2017!

Info intro: (Fri) 6:30-8pm, Class: (Sat) 10am-6pm, and (Sun) 10am-9pm

$500 New Student, $150 Alchemist

Please Sign-up on Meetup!

Alchemy Class Alchemy Class Alchemy Class Alchemy Class

Ritual Mastery

Five steps; $250 per step

Taught twice per year

Prerequisites: Alchemy

Ritual Mastery: The Universal Mystery School offers Ritual Mastery to any Alchemist who is willing to enter, "The Dark Night of Soul" and face their Shadows in order to bring in greater Light. Of the Four Sacred Paths, Qabalah, Shamanism, Ritual Mastery and High Priestess, this is definitely the most challenging path to begin, and to successfully complete.

Alchemist's who are ready for RM, know that what ultimately blocks the light in the progression of ones path into the light, is the darkness. This darkness, becomes our own personal shadows, and dark ways, or fears, even obstacles. Ritual Mastery will take your Alchemy to a very powerful level, and if you succeed this "Navy Seal" Program of Sacred Sanctuary's Mystery School, there won't be anything you spiritually can't overcome!

Materials Needed
  • Grimoire
  • Journal
  • Athame and Purba
  • Books and Movies that will be presented in class
  • Screwtape by CS Lewis Book
  • Dark Side of the Light Chasers Book
Ritual Mastery Class Ritual Mastery Class Ritual Mastery Class


Four steps; $100 per step

Taught once per year

Prerequisites: Alchemy

Universal Shamanism deepens the experience of ritual and ceremony, and ultimately reconnects each clan, or group that travels the medicine wheel together, to each other, to the earth, to the teachings of the animal teachers, to nature, the four directions, and to the four elements. Each journey begins in the east, where an intention is set. Then, after a short time of “traveling in the east,” the group moves into the south where the healing of each clan takes place. The third gathering is when the clan/group enters the west, and where letting go and transformation is encouraged. The Wheel then completes in the north, where the power of the cycle of life is finally understood.

There is always a medicine wheel in motion at the Universal Mystery School, Lani Renee has been traveling the wheel for 16 years, and carries eagle, wolf, bear, lion, gaia, dragon, horse, butterfly, dolphin, swan, hawk, blue heron, snake, turtle, and deer medicine.

Materials Needed
  • Sacred Objects
  • Shawl
  • Rattle or Drum
Shamanism Class Shamanism Class


Four steps; $100 per step

Taught once per year

Prerequisites: Alchemy

Universal Qabalah is an ancient esoteric study of God and Man. It is the truest path to self-knowledge and knowledge of the greater Universe. Through a sacred ascension process, Lani brings her Qabalah students magically through the four worlds that represent the tree of life through the ten sacred Sephras. There are many forms of Qabalah, from Jewish to Christian; but the Universal Mystery School teaches Universal Qabalah with an emphasis on there not being any dogma in the teachings. It is truly an in depth study of self. Qabalah is also the surest way to bring in a higher level of psychic development, greatly enriching divination practices such as Tarot.

Materials Needed
  • Journal
  • Tarot Cards
  • 72 Names of God Cards
  • The Qabalistic Tarot
  • Tree of Life Poster
  • The Tarot by Paul Foster Case Book
Qabalah Class Qabalah Class

High Priestess

Thirteen steps; $200 per step

Taught once per year

Prerequisites: Alchemy

The path of High Priest/Priestess is the highest path in the Mystery School holding the North point of all of the teachings. It is literally how we walk back to God using magical, elemental practices that are targeted towards self-transformation. The path consist of 13 steps, and take a little over one year to complete with monthly meetings or “temples” where the initiates study to process and do magic collectively. The High Priestess Temple is charged with guarding the secrets of the Divine Feminine while simultaneously resurrecting the old ways and traditions based in paganism. It is a path of healing, beauty, love, and most of all one-ness with Creator.

Materials Needed
  • Journal
  • Grimoire
  • Heal Your Body Book
  • Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs Book
  • Healing Emotional Patterns with Essential Oils Book
  • PDR Desk Reference for Essential Oils Book
  • Candle Stick
  • Mortar and Pestle
  • Jar for Bath Salts
  • Mixing Bowl with Wooden Spoon
  • Chalice
  • Pentagram for the Alter
  • Tarot Cards
  • Fabric, thread, and needle
High Priestess High Priestess High Priestess High Priestess